HAVSPRO vow to make HAVS history

SIXIS Technology are showcasing their unique HAVS risk management solution, HAVSPRO, on stand
3/J50, with on-tool demonstrations of its capabilities at The Health & Safety Event at the NEC, 25th
–27th April.
The ground-breaking solution for the accurate, real-time measurement and proactive monitoring of
workplace vibration, promises to revolutionise the way businesses manage the risk posed by
vibration exposure.
Visitors to the HAVSPRO stand will see the innovative system in operation and learn how its
accurate, on-the-tool measuring capabilities work. They will also see how the continuous monitoring
and proactive exposure alerts are triggered as the system protects individuals and businesses from
over-exposure, before it occurs.
The stand will also show visitors how the system reports exposure in HSE points, making the
management of vibration risk easy and convenient.
Developed with the aim of Making HAVS history, the HAVSPRO system protects operators and
employers alike. Businesses get real time, measurable and recordable data that enables them to
avoid the risks of over exposure to vibration, rather than merely collecting data of their occurrences.
With an estimated two million UK workers potentially exposed to the risk of debilitating injuries,
HAVSPRO is a vital risk management solution in delivering healthier, safer workplaces. It provides
consistent accuracy whatever the tool, whatever the job, by measuring the vibration on the tool
itself. Employees get real-time, proactive alerts of their Exposure Action Value (EAV) and Exposure
Limit Value (ELV) to keep them protected.
Russ Langthorne, Managing Director of HAVSPRO, and a personal sufferer of HAVS and Dupuytren’s
Contracture, is delighted that their system is proving to be such an effective solution; “Clearly, given
the huge number of employees in the UK who are at risk, there is a very real requirement for
businesses to take vibration exposure monitoring extremely seriously, both to protect their workers,
and to avoid costly fines.
“With the number of new cases being reported at a five-year high, there is plainly a growing
problem, but one that could be entirely irradicated with education, technology-lead solutions and
focused action. There is no longer an excuse for these numbers to be rising, now that a real solution
is available to help employers and operatives take a proactive approach to managing vibration
Current HSE regulations stipulate that “An employer who carries out work which is liable to expose
any of his employees to risk from vibration shall make a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risk

created by that work to the health and safety of those employees and the risk assessment shall
identify the measures that need to be taken to meet the requirements of these Regulations.”
HAVSPRO’s continuous measuring and proactive monitoring system is the key to its effectiveness, as
it informs users and employers of potential risk before over exposure, rather than simply collating
Russ Langthorne adds: “The game changing HAVSPRO system is underpinned by expert vibration
exposure knowledge and guidance, which comes as part of the system, ensuring employers across a
range of industries have the technology and understanding to fully protect their workers from HAVS.
We are looking forward to welcoming many of them to our stand. Together, we can #MakeHAVSHistory.”

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